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Making a Delicious Grilled Macaroni and Cheese Panini Sandwich

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Panini sandwiches taste better when cheese is used as an ingredient. It is ultimately an option to use cheese when making a panini, but generally, it’s the better one. A panini filled with melted cheese is simply more delicious.

Making a grilled cheese panini sandwich is very easy, and you can do it at home with a variety of ingredients. One delicious panini variant is made by combining cheese with pesto, chicken, and mozzarella. In this article, we are going to share a recipe that combines two favorites… paninis and macaroni and cheese.

panini grill recipe

We shall learn about how to make a delicious cheese panini sandwich by using the right ingredients, maintaining the right conditions, using the best panini grill in the right way, using the right steps, and provide some great tips.

Grilled Macaroni and Cheese Panini

How about a grilled mac and cheese topped with pancetta? This combination provides creaminess and crunch plus you can never go wrong on the flavors. Below are the ingredients for 5 servings. These will help you make tasty grilled cheese using panini grill.


-2 ounces of cream cheese
-2 ounces of shredded cheddar cheese, 1 ounce of shredded Asiago cheese, 1 ounce of shredded Romano cheese.
-Half cup of milk
-1 cup of elbow macaroni
– 1 spoon of all-purpose flour, 2 spoons of butter, 2 spoons of olive oil
-A half pound of thinly sliced pancetta
-12 slices of toasted sourdough bread

The Panini Grill

A panini grill is great for preparing sandwiches including the grilled cheese. If you do not own one, you can check out some panini grill reviews to help your search. To make the perfect sandwich you need to:
-Adjust the gauge to medium-high temperate to provide the sandwich with a sear on the crust
-Place a reasonable amount of cheese to prevent it from oozing along the appliance
-Keep the appliance in a good condition by using a plastic spatula to remove your grilled sandwiches from the appliance.
-When the appliance is hinged open, both sides of the sandwich should touch the heated grates with uniformity


These are the systematic steps to be followed when combining the above ingredients. Preparation will take an average of 15 minutes.
-Cook pasta is large pot with boiling salted water, then drain away all the water
-Preheat the appliance for at least 7 minutes.
-Use heat to melt 1 spoon of butter then add the all-purpose flour until a homogeneous mixture is obtained
-Add milk and mix vigorously for at least 2 minutes until it forms part of the pasta
-Add cream cheese and whisk in cheddar cheese followed by Asiago and Romano cheese until the whole mixture is smooth

panini grill mac n cheese
-Remove the pasta from the heat source and add cheese sauce and stir
-The remaining butter is to be heated on a grill using medium-high heat
-Add 2 slices of pancetta on one side of the sourdough bread then topped up with macaroni
-Use another slice of bread to create the sandwich then repeat with other slices of the bread to make 5 sandwiches.
-Now place your sandwiches in a pan and grill them until they turn golden brown


There are other preparations like soup which take your grilled cheese to the next level.
-You can add some seasonings and cream to tomatoes to make a great soup which goes well with your grilled cheese panini sandwich
-Your favorite herb will add a nice variation
-Crispy slices of bacon make a great combination
-Pineapple also adds a delicious twist to your sandwich


A grilled cheese panini sandwich is the classic panini recipe. Sourdough bread and various types of cheese are the primary ingredients. These are often complemented with a wide variety of additional flavors.

Key steps include draining away water, using medium-high heat, grilling, and flipping. Remember to handle the panini grill with care to guarantee reproducible results.

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Updated: November 27, 2017

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